Proposal Categories
When creating a proposal within our system, it's important to understand the various categories that determine the type, scope, and requirements of each proposal. Below is a breakdown of the proposal categories, which will help guide you in structuring your proposal according to the appropriate category based on risk and impact.
1. Low Risk Proposals
Description: Low Risk proposals involve activities that directly engage the community or alter less critical aspects of the protocol:
Community Initiatives: Focuses on community engagement, education, and marketing efforts.
Asset Inclusion or Delisting: Pertains to adding or removing verified pools within the protocol.
Allowed Roles: Lead/Core Members
Minimum Quorum: 5% of eligible voting participants.
Minimum Votes: 50% majority needed to pass.
Time Lock: Proposals have a maximum 1 epoch time lock before taking effect.
2. Medium Risk Proposals
Description: Medium Risk proposals affect significant operational aspects of the protocol that have moderate risk implications:
Liquidity Incentives and Staking Programs: Adjustments to liquidity provision incentives and rewards.
Parameter Adjustments: Modifications to key protocol parameters that govern operational dynamics.
DAO Treasury and Financial Management: Decisions impacting the management of the DAO's treasury funds.
Allowed Roles: Lead/Core Members
Minimum Quorum: 10% of eligible voters.
Minimum Votes: 50% majority required.
Time Lock: Proposals have a maximum 1 epoch time lock before implementation.
3. High Risk Proposals
Description: High Risk proposals involve critical changes that can significantly impact the protocol's security, legality, and operational framework:
Protocol Upgrades: Significant smart contract updates or changes.
Security Measures: Enhancements to secure the protocol against potential threats and attacks.
Legal and Compliance Issues: Adjustments ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards.
Governance Process Changes: Modifications to the governance model, some of which may bypass voting.
Risk Management Policies: Updates to strategies for managing systemic risks.
Allowed Roles: Core Members only.
Minimum Quorum: 15% of participation from eligible voters.
Minimum Votes: 55% majority to pass.
Last updated