Welcome to eckoWALLET’s Developer Documentation. eckoWALLET is a user-friendly and robust Kadena-native wallet designed for seamless interaction with dApps on the Kadena network.

`Detecting eckoWALLET

To verify if the browser is running eckoWALLET use window.kadena:

       * Check if is X-Wallet installed
       const isXWalletInstalled = () => {
        const { kadena } = window;
        return Boolean(kadena && kadena.isKadena);
      const initialize = async () => {
        if (isXWalletInstalled()) {
        // You will start here
      window.addEventListener('load', initialize);

Connecting to eckoWALLET

Connecting to eckoWALLET effectively means to access the user's Kadena account(s).

  method: 'kda_connect',
  networkId: NETWORK_ID,

With this code, a pending promise for kadena.request() was created. NETWORKID could be mainnet01 or testnet04 for example.

Check Connection status

To check the connection status you can send a kda_checkStatus request:

  method: 'kda_checkStatus',
  networkId: NETWORKID,

If the selected account on eckoWALLET is connected with current DAPP, the response will be

    "result": {
      "status": "success",
      "message": "Connected successfully",
      "account": {
    "target": "kda.dapps",
    "action": "res_checkStatus"

If not, the response will be:

    "result": {
      "status": "fail",
      "message": "Not connected"
    "target": "kda.dapps",
    "action": "res_checkStatus"

Get network info

To get eckoWALLET network info you can use kadena.request function with kda_getNetwork method.

  method: 'kda_getNetwork',

You will receive the network info from eckoWALLET:

    "explorer": "",
    "id": "0",
    "isDefault": true,
    "name": "Mainnet",
    "networkId": "mainnet01",
    "url": ""

Get account information

To retrieve the current account data from eckoWALLET just send a request with kda_requestAccount method.

  method: 'kda_requestAccount',

You will receive a response like this:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Get account information successfully",
    "wallet": {
      "connectedSites": [
      "balance": 10.431761673543

Disconnect from eckoWALLET

If you want to disconnect your DAPP from eckoWALLET, simply send a disconnect request

        method: 'kda_disconnect',
        networkId: 'mainnet01 ',

Send Tokens to another account

Example request If users want to send Kadena tokens to another account

      method: 'kda_sendKadena',
      data: {
            networkId: 'mainnet01',
            account: '{{ accountName }}',
            sourceChainId: '0',
            chainId: '2',
            amount: 10.23,

Sign command

If you want to sign custom command, you have to use kda_requestSign request method.

        method: 'kda_requestSign',
        data: {

(eckoWALLET will open a confirmation window for the user).

EckoWALLET events

This sections details the events emitted via that eckoWALLET API. There are many events triggered by eckoWALLET, you can listen for events such as the above ones:

Account changed

Triggered when user switches account

kadena.on('res_accountChange', (event) => {

The res_accountChange event payload is

     result: { status: "success", message: "Account changed" },
     target: "kda.dapps",
     action: "res_accountChange",

Status changed

Triggered on kda_checkStatus event dispatch

kadena.on('res_checkStatus', (event) => {

Last updated