Welcome to eckoGOV
eckoGOV embodies the democratic ethos of eckoDAO, empowering community members to participate in the governance and development of the ecosystem.
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eckoGOV embodies the democratic ethos of eckoDAO, empowering community members to participate in the governance and development of the ecosystem.
Last updated
eckoGOV is a comprehensive, on-chain DAO governance platform within the eckoDAO ecosystem. It serves as the primary platform for managing:
And many other aspects of the eckoDAO operations
As it evolves through its initial iterations, it aims to be dynamic and responsive to the needs of the community
The platform defines various roles within the community, including eckoMEMBER (Level 1), eckoLEAD (Level 2), and eckoCORE (Level 3). Each role comes with a detailed description and a list of responsibilities.
eckoGOV details the KYC requirements for eckoMEMBER, eckoLEAD, and eckoCORE roles, ensuring compliance and security within the community.
eckoGOV provides an in-depth explanation of the governance cycle, from proposal submission and discussion to voting and rank updates.
The platform offers templates and guidelines for creating proposals, ensuring that community members can effectively voice their ideas and suggestions.
eckoGOV outlines the process for funding projects from the DAO treasury, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to drive the growth of the ecosystem.
eckoGOV provides a platform for open and transparent discussion among community members, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.
Here's a general outline of the key topics considered in the eckoGOV Gitbook