🙋Applying for a eckoDAO Role

At the heart of eckoDAO lies its fundamental principle of self-governance, empowering members to actively participate and shape the direction of the DAO through the eckoGOV platform.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. eckoWALLET Connection and User Authentication:

    • Begin by connecting your eckoWALLET and authenticating your identity through Discord.

    • This process ensures the security and integrity of the DAO membership.

  2. Applying for a Position in the DAO:

  • Members can apply for a position in the DAO using their eckoWALLET, from within the eckoDAO space.

  • Verified eckoMEMBERs are eligible to apply for a eckoLEAD role.

  • The Rank Update mechanism is responsible for assigning roles based on voting power within the eckoDAO, except for Core Members who have a separate application system and are not part of the ranking system.

  • The current available role is eckoLEAD, and it is assigned to the top 5 applicants with the highest voting power.

  • Each participant is limited to one role (Member/Lead/Core) per KYC per epoch.

  1. Know Your Customer (KYC) Process:

  • Verified eckoMEMBERs are eligible to apply for a eckoLEAD role.

  • After signing up and authentication, you will need to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) process.

  • KYC is a standard procedure designed to prevent identity theft, financial fraud, money laundering, and other illicit activities.

  • Successful completion of KYC will provide you with a unique Customer ID, confirming your identity.

  1. Voting Power Snapshot and Rank Update:

  • The voting power snapshot is a critical aspect of the Rank Update process, ensuring fair representation and dynamism within the eckoDAO.

  • On the 24th of each month, a snapshot is taken to capture the current voting power of all DAO members.

  • The snapshot considers both existing members and new applicants for the upcoming epoch.

  • On the 27th of the month, changes are made based on this snapshot.

  • For example, if a new applicant for the upcoming epoch has higher voting power than the current eckoLEAD members as of the snapshot day, a rank swap occurs.

  • The eckoLEAD member with the lowest voting power is swapped out, and the new applicant is assigned the eckoLEAD role.

  1. Replacing Inactive/Malicious eckoLEAD Members:

  • If the eckoCORE team identifies an eckoLEAD member as inactive or malicious, a vote can be initiated to remove them.

  • This vote is similar to a proposal rejection, requiring a 3 out of 5 majority to reject.

  • The eckoCORE team must provide evidence to the community to support the motive for replacing the eckoLEAD member.

This dynamic Rank Update process ensures that the eckoDAO remains adaptive and responsive to changes within the community. It allows the most dedicated and influential members to guide the eckoDAO's direction while maintaining fairness and transparency.

Last updated